This page will soon be populated with various links and other resources for clients with multiple access areas.For clients who have credentials for Sharefile, they can click on this linkto access. (Note: This link does not work yet - this is in the process of being reworked behind the scenes).For clients who have access to our Podio database system, click on this linkto access.For clients with Prudence Accounting, Inc email access, click on this linkto access.For existing clients to access the online scheduling app, click this Scheduling link.
This page will soon be populated with various links and other resources for clients with multiple access areas.For clients who have credentials for Sharefile, they can click on this linkto access. (Note: This link does not work yet - this is in the process of being reworked behind the scenes).For clients who have access to our Podio database system, click on this linkto access.For clients with Prudence Accounting, Inc email access, click on this linkto access.For existing clients to access the online scheduling app, click this Scheduling link.