New Normal, New Website and Features
It’s summer of 2020, and we are embarking on a new normal with Covid-19 among us.
Small businesses must adapt to the new this new era of remote working and
communications via the internet. So, with the new season, and the tax season almost
behind us, we’ve begun a project to totally revamp our website. We are implementing new
website packages with our new providers for more options for clients. We can provide
customized, fully managed websites or have links to our new storefront options for many
packages, add-on’s, and even email hosting packages.
In the weeks to come, our website will undergo massive revamping, and several new
resources, links, forms, and client portals will become available that will help automate
some of our processes. We are excited for these changes, as we need to adapt to the
current virtual and digital technologies in business and society in general. With that being
said, there may be some features, links, or pages that may temporarily not work or may
look incomplete for the time being. This will change quickly, as we are working to create all
the new pages behind the scenes and bring them live after we have tested them for the
working capactities they are supposed to have. Some of the new features will be rolled out
in phases, and will have captions or notices accordingly. Also note that the mobile version
may be uploaded a little bit behind the desktop version of the websites, as resizing is
required to fit everything to the phone screen sizes.
We can help you get your website in order!
We have several processes we can help clients re-align their website, social media, and e-
commerce structures and habits to bring efficiency to their business. We will be bringing
much of this information onto our new website as we continue to build on each precept
and focusing on our priority list of services that clients most utilize first.
Is your life at the mercy of websites with issues?
We have noticed many new cyberattacks and vulnerabilities in the routine software we use
daily. Unfortunately, the software designers can’t always be on top of every issue.
Therefore, we have some solutions to help clients minimize, or in many cases, prevent
unwanted intrusions that cause tremendous data loss and damage to websites we use
daily. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll add more information to help clients with these
cyberattack preventive measures.
Selling Excess Office Furniture & Equipment!
We still have some residual office furniture and equipment for sale from our recent
consolidation back to our home office in the Thumb of Michigan.
We will be adding more information about that soon.